We care about laws and policies that protect
Swainson’s Hawk
We believe wildlife is part of California's future and we're dedicated to seeing the California population of Swainson's Hawks flourish for all generations to come.

What can you do to help?
Ask cities to stay within their existing boundaries.
Support permanent protection of farmland and pasture that raptors use for hunting.
Make sure that trees are planted to serve as nesting habitat in 25 years.
Help educate the public and government about how important it is to protect Swainson’s Hawks and other wildlife.
Vote for local leaders who are committed to keeping Swainson's Hawks safe in our region.
Volunteer at a preserve or for a conservation advocacy non-profit.
Donate to FOSH or to our endowment for Swainson’s Hawk.
Swainson's Hawks depend on foraging lands to feed themselves and their young.
We are working to stop shortcuts and cheating on mitigation for Swainson's Hawk foraging habitat loss.
Since inception, Friends of the Swainson's Hawk has evaluated and commented upon mitigation programs - starting with the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan draft in 1995. We've been watch dogs in the development process to ensure that developers and local government don't cheat on what is owed to the Swainson's Hawk when its foraging habitat is paved over. When a legal principle is violated, we have gone to court.
Our Current Campaign
Development proposals in North Natomas threaten the viability of the Natomas Basin Conservation Plan and the success of the Natomas Basin Conservancy
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Learn more about the campaign here